Friday, July 27, 2007


Dear Ravelry,

I'm really not feeling the LOVE from you yet. So many promises of wonderful things to come. Teasing, really. TEMPTING much!!

If you're feeling like Ravelry is some high school clique that you weren't invited to...don't despair!! Do what I did and find out where you are in line - because you ARE in line (if you signed up) but it's just taking a really long, long, LONG time!! Patience is not a virtue - of mine! But here is my good news to share -

patiently awaiting your invite?
If you've added your name to the invite request list on our front page then you can use this form to check your place in line.
Email address look me up!
Found you!
You signed up on July 14, 2007
You are #16387 on the list.
9142 people are ahead of you in line.
4806 people are behind you in line.


In the meantime...
Bee Fields Shawl KAL - check
yarn/pattern kit in Tupelo Gold - check check
ebony & pink ivory knitting needles - check check check

Now all I need is to wind my yarn and I'll be off. That is, just as soon as I find my courage...I know I left it around here somewhere! Courage? Here, Courage! Come here, Courage - that's a nice little baby!!

Aw shucks - who am I fooling? I've tried to make Icarus THREE times already and just can't get past the first dozen rows or so. Is there a "Lace Knitting for Dummies" book out there? I know how to make decreases and yarn overs - look, see previous posts!! I'm thinking that the gal that started the KAL is expecting a LOT of dummies like me - so I'll probably BEE in good company - heh, heh!! I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. More practicing first!

And puleeeeze, all you yarn push, ummm I mean, en-able-ers - quit, will ya?!! Sheesh!! Seriously though, I do have to give a SHOUTOUT to Sheri at the loopyewe. I placed an order on Wednesday and it was here waiting for me today when I got home!! I can't wait to be a Loopy Groupie though, but I have to spread the love around a little, ya know! And since HWFRCA doesn't need to know're likely NOT going to see me showing off the booty (as in treasures - not the "dairy air")!! You indie dyers out there are seriously eating into my discretionary fund - you and the Vietnamese nail lady "oooo - you like eyebrow wax with those nails and pedicure - I take good care of you - make you real pretty!!"

Well, that's all I've got. It's late. I'm tired. And no pictures this time. Sorry - I know all you COMMENTERS out there are really disappointed...just kidding. I'm just a little lonely............

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Happy Belated Blogiversary to Me"
Life Happens...
and some Monkey Business going on!

HA! My blogiversary came and went without nary a mention from me. In case anyone cares - it was July 5.

You know, sometimes life just hands you too much. July has been on of those life months. Actually, it started back in June. I became a grandma for the 2nd time to a beautiful little girl, Isabella Faith on June 14 - a Flag Day baby! She's beautiful - of course!

Unfortunately, they live in Arizona and I'm in California. The only photos I have of her are on my telephone so I can't even show her off to you. Her mom and dad (my son) haven't sent out their baby announcements yet. Hopefully, they will be sending me video soon since I have it on good authority that a new video camera is due on their doorstep on August 1. Heh, heh...

I haven't been able to visit them because of the "life" situation about which I referred. You see, my almost 93 year old mom fell and fractured her right arm at the shoulder and cracked her right hip bone in June. It was just last year in April that she fell and broke her right hip, requiring surgery and much rehab. This time the recovery and rehab was much slower and we weren't sure she had the will to pull out of it. It's sad that the older we get, the longer our bodies respond. She's an amazing woman though and has finally started her "come back".

But life still gets in the way. My oldest brother, single and retired, lives with her and is her caregiver. He's been a smoker most of his life. Listen folks out there - please stop if you can!! And especially to 2 of my sons and one DIL - PLEASE?!! Anyway, so my brother. While mom was in the hospital he had episodes of coughing up blood. He finally got in to see a doctor and tomorrow he goes in for a lung biopsy. You see, he has a mass in his left lung about 4.5x2.5 cm. Not good. But we are optimistic. His doctor says that if it is cancer that the meds used today are very aggressive and are very effective. But he also tells us not to jump to conclusions because it could be any number of things instead of cancer. Valley Fever is prevalent here. It could be that.

Life. I work full time. My other brother works full time. Older brother has to be cared for by oldest daughter for 24 hours and can't drive. So brother #2 and I will take time off from work to stay with mom. He takes the 'early shift' and I get the late one. Which takes me one vacation day further away from seeing my new grand baby. It can't be helped. And they will understand but it doesn't lessen the pang of not being able to see her sooner.

Anyone who reads this - I would appreciate your prayers for my brother.
**Update. Sadly, we just heard on Friday that the tumor is malignant. It is also larger than first thought. At least 7 cm. The tumor has a hole in it and is bleeding. He goes in next Wednesday for an MRI. Then we will find out what course of action is prescribed. His oldest daughter says that she saw the CAT Scan and said she saw "feelers" coming out from it and so it really doesn't sound good. He's trying to be optimistic but ultimately feels (as we all do) that it is in God's hands. We want His Will but don't want to be losing him this soon though. (He's 12 years older than me). Now we will have to start thinking about Plan B for mom. My other brother and I both have jobs. Mom's "baby" sister is in a nursing home near my home and although I don't like nursing homes in general - this may be the best solution for her. She would have her sister as a constant companion and possibly even share the same room. Prayers, please for now!! Thanks!

So knitting. I've been knitting. I finished my Peppermint Mocha socks from The Loope Ewe - plain old stockinette.

And I started a Chevron scarf - probably only one of 3 knitters left on the planet to hop on the bandwagon - as usual, I'm always late to the party. I'm using BMFA Pebble Beach and Rare Gems. Pebble Beach has been added to the lineup but maybe you can ask about Rare Gems. It's a blend of chocolate, chestnut, forest and purple.

Then I started making some "monkey business" and jumped on the Monkey bandwagon. What a fun pattern!! Thanks Cookie A! The yarn is from Sophie's Toes etsy shop in Tulips & Daffodils (I think that's the name). I'm currently turning the heel on the 2nd one.

Life. It sometimes gets in the way of "living". I'm ready for a really LONG vacation. Now...where did I put that Lottery ticket?